On Thursday, Apple introduced a refreshed design for the App Store Web interface, aligning its aesthetics with the iOS 11 App Store app. Users performing app searches on browsers like Google Chrome and Safari will now experience a bold and streamlined design, featuring larger icons, prominent preview images, and an overall clean page layout.
The updated Apple App Store for the Web mirrors the design philosophy introduced with the iOS 11 App Store redesign in September 2017. The revamped interface embraces white space, providing a cleaner and more straightforward appearance. Notably, there is an increased emphasis on app reviews. The design borrows from the iOS 11 App Store, showcasing larger images, a notable focus on reviews, and a more significant app heading. The interface also includes a notification stating, “This app is only available in the App Store for iOS devices,” along with sections such as ‘what’s new,’ featuring version history logs, family sharing support, and a ‘you may also like’ section.
Below the app icons, users can find information such as star ratings, purchasing details, screenshots, app description, update information, reviews, app size, and device compatibility, among other details. Apple has even incorporated screenshots specifically from the iPhone X for apps optimized for the device, while other iPhone models still showcase the older smartphones.
The introduction of Web previews dates back to 2010, allowing users to browse mobile apps on a desktop without relying on iTunes. While there have been incremental changes over the years, this recent overhaul stands out as one of the most significant updates. Apple seems to be reshaping its offerings following the launch of the iPhone X. After redesigning the App Store for iOS 11, the company removed the built-in App Store from the iTunes app for Mac and Windows in September 2017. This change limited iOS app downloads to direct installations on iPhones or iPads, excluding the option to download on a Mac and then transfer. In October, Apple quietly released a new version of iTunes, reintroducing many features.